Welcome to Family Engagement Solutions
We offer administrators, educators and advocates detailed information and resources on family engagement programs that have been vetted by National PTA and our expert partners.
About Family Engagement Solutions
Family Engagement Solutions is a free hub for educators, district and school leaders and families to find evidence-based family engagement programs. Brought to you by National PTA, in partnership with Evidence for ESSA from the Center for Research and Reform in Education at Johns Hopkins University, these programs all meet the Every Student Succeeds Act’s (ESSA) evidence standards of being at least promising/Tier 3 in their impact.
Our Impacts
Our Mission
Family Engagement Solutions is a free hub to find detailed evidence and resources on effective family engagement programs. We offer a variety of materials, including a catalogue of programs and detailed reviews to make the choice easier.
At National PTA, the nation’s largest and oldest child advocacy association, we believe that every strategy to accelerate learning should include families, especially given the unprecedented learning loss caused by the pandemic. For too long, family engagement has not been leveraged for the potential it has to impact our students. However, exemplary programs prove that real outcomes, such as dramatically improved attendance and academic engagement, are possible when schools are intentional about using limited budgets on proven strategies to engage families.
Outcomes from Some of Our Featured Programs
Featured Programs

TalkingPoints is the only universally designed, tech-enabled family engagement solution that drives student outcomes through scalable, research-based best practices for family-school partnerships.

Family Engagement Lab's FASTalk

Parent Teacher Home Visits
Find a Program
Whether you are looking for a program with a specific impact – from better attendance to increased reading achievement – or a program for specific schools or students, this searchable repository is here to meet your needs.


Interested in learning more about evidence-based family engagement programs and the policies that support them?
Check out these resources from National PTA and other leading family engagement organizations around the country.
Want to Learn More?
Contact Us!
Support for Family Engagement Solutions was provided by grants from Carnegie Corporation of New York and Overdeck Family Foundation.
National PTA does not endorse any commercial product, service or entity. No endorsement of specific programs or providers is implied.